Sunday, May 30, 2010

2 Months Old

Our sweet baby girl Charlotte is already 2 months old - and growing so fast! We don't go to the Dr. until June 15th so I have no idea how much she weighs - which drives me crazy because I am nursing her & I'm always worried that I'm not feeding her enough. But she is filling out her clothes better each week --- & has a double chin so that makes me feel better!
Things she has done in the last month:
  • Holds her head up
  • Smiles at you
  • Sleeps through the night, at least 7 hour stretches, sometimes up to 9 hours
  • She's just started cooing, & making noises other than crying

Parker is getting more used to her, he's not quite as jealous. He's actually beginning to be so sweet to her, putting blankets on her when she's crying, or the classic big sibling "stuffing" the passy in her mouth. And he asks for her 1st thing every morning - "BEBE?" - so cute.

But he has been cutting teeth in the last week & he's been a little out-of-control. I really don't even know which teeth because you'd loose a finger if you try to put it in his mouth to check. We are laying on the ground kicking our feet much of the day lately. Poor baby!

Here is Charlotte with the pink Hippo - 2 MONTHS OLD!!

1 comment:

J&J Hof said...

She is so beautiful and gotten so big. She has Ace's coloring and looks a lot like his mom. Can't wait to hold her and give Parkie lots of kisses.

Give Parkie Motrin and then wait four hours and give him Tylenol. Just flip flop every four hours and cake him with some oraljel. I promise it will save you a lot of heartache and make him feel better too. The little girl I was keeping was teething too and that is what the dr recommended and it helped so much. Good luck SuperMom!

Miss you guys!

