Friday, March 29, 2013

Baby Howell #3!

Soooo if you don't already know, baby Howell #3 is on the way! I'm due in late September. We are all super excited!  I thought I'd be really mad at myself if I didn't keep up with my 3rd (& final!) pregnancy here on the blog, since I did such a good job at updating through my last 2 pregnancies. Of course this baby deserves to be documented too! Now I just have to do it.
Some FAQ's:
1. YES, we do know what causes this...
2. Official due date is Sept. 25th
3. My c-section will be scheduled around 1 week before my due date
4. Parker & Charlotte are so excited & P wants a boy & C wants a girl (duh)
5. Yes, we will be finding out the gender even though we have 1 of each - we will find out in the beginning of May.
6. Parker will be 5 & Charlotte will be 3 1/2 when the baby gets here.

God is Good!