Tuesday, June 10, 2008

28 Week Baby Bump (or 7 Months)

So I am officially in my 3rd Trimester today! Two-third's of the way there! I am feeling good, but this hot weather isn't going to be fun this summer. I am still wearing my wedding rings surprisingly though, we'll see how long that lasts with this water retention.

The butterfuly is now 2.75 inches across (originally 2.25), & believe it or not it doesn't really look too different, just wider :)

Everything is still going well, my Dr's appt. last week went fine & I passed the glucose test, which tests for gestational diabetes. I do go to the Specialist next Wednesday, the 18th, so we'll have some new pictures of Big Parker in the womb! And I'll find out exactly how big he is now, I'm guessing he's on the "big side of normal", I don't know why, just a guess...

So here's me at 28 weeks

And yes, there are supposedly 12 more weeks of this, I'm not sure where's he's going to go!


chbaker said...

Don't worry- I've never heard of anyone exploding from pregnancy. Just kidding you! You look fantastic. Miraculously- your body is doing just what is suppose to be doing- growing a BABY!! I promise it is SOOOO worth it!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I can't believe how much you have changed in a few weeks. It's getting rounder. But the rest of you looks the same. You look so darn freaking cute. But just think in 12 weeks you are going to be holding the most precious thing in the world, so all the waddling, weight gain, and tiredness will be well worth it.
Can't wait for the next update! You are still a HOTTIE!!!