We went to the Specialist (for the last time, yea!) on Wednesday & he said everything looked great! After taking a bunch of measurements of the baby's bones, head, etc, they told us he is 3lbs, 3oz. And if he gains a 1/2 lb. each week until he's born, which is normal from this point on, he'll most likely be over 8lbs., a big boy! Both the nurse & the Dr. (in with us at seperate times) laughed about how much hair they could see on the sonogram, they both said he had long strands of hair! I guess he may need a haircut when he comes out :) We thought that was so funny, we are taking bets on his hair color! Erika had blonde hair as a baby & Ace was born with dark hair but it fell out & came back blonde. Who knows... Here are a couple of pics of him, kind of hard to make them out...
This is a shot of his face (below), he's looking straight at you & his eyes are open, that is his umbelical cord above his right eye.
This is a picture of his hair (below), the bright strands are actual strands of hair. Don't worry, I don't know what I am looking at either, but the Dr. said it is really long hair! Will it be a Joe Dirt Mullett?? Joe Dirt is Ace's fav movie so he's fine with that - ha ha