Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Moving on Up to the North Side

Well after many trials & tribulations, it seems that we are finally on our way "Up" to Cumming! We have had our house on the market since September & got a contract on it in mid-March. After much negotiating on our agents' parts, & stressful inspections & appraisals, we are free & clear to pack up our things & begin the "in-my-head-decorating" of the new house. Exciting! Looking forward to the neighborhood pool & playground this summer! I'll post pictures of the new house once we're actually there, in less than 3 weeks! Our move date is April 29th. Yay!


Brooke Peck said...

Fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly from here on out. I hope I get a great recommendation from you guys :)

J&J Hof said...

YEA! Just reading this. So exciting. Remember when Justin and I lived in Cumming and EVERYONE thought we lived soooooooooooooooo FAR AWAY and no one came up to visit us very often. Then we move to Texas (even further with no visitors) and everyone moves to CUMMING! So funny! Oh well, looks like we started a trend. Love you and can't wait to see you in a few weeks! xoxo