Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Date is Set

I have an official c-section date set now for April 6, 2010! It's kind-of nice to know the date (even though it is only 4 days before my due date). My 39 weeks falls on Easter weekend & of course my Dr. will be out of town for 4 days so April 6th was the earliest date I could have it scheduled. But who knows, maybe she'll arrive early, I'm sure I'll be so ready at that point.

As of my appt. on Monday morning, baby girl is 2 lb. 8 oz. (42nd percentile for 28 weeks gestation). Isn't that amazing how they can tell that!?
My blood pressure has been fine so far; at 32 weeks I begin non-stress tests once a week, along with a sonogram once a week (that's 2 appts per week for 8 weeks, none of which I am allowed to take Parker to - how convienent...) but we'll figure it out.
With my hypertension, sometimes it can effect the baby's growth, & sometimes it can effect the placenta so they want to check both growth & the placenta each week to make sure the placenta isn't going to poop out on baby girl. The Doctor said they would normally see some warning of the placenta "pooping out" - or a placental abruption - before it happens so that is why I have to go so often.

As soon as Ace gets home I'll have him take a picture of the growing "baby bump", as I know I haven't posted one since 14 weeks. Sorry baby girl for the lack of pictures already in your life, but I'm not feeling quite as cute this time around. I'm sure I'll have Ace take 25 pictures before I accept one for display on the blog, but he'll live!


chbaker said...

So glad all looks well. 2 Dr. visits a week. That should be a BLAST!

Tad and Kris said...

April 6!! So exciting!! Good thing is that you'll be in the hospital for Masters Week; maybe you can convince Ace that the hospital doesn't have that channel.

Courtney said...

Yeah!! Babygirl will be here so soon! Just a little over two months - crazy how fast it's flown by (at least to me). :)

J&J Hof said...

You look cute as a button! I can't wait to meet baby girl. Love the updates and miss you guys!